There are two main reasons why this investment did not work
out for Ackman and his investors: overleverage and bad timing. This article--a follow-up to a previous posting--discusses these root cause elements and suggests a way that Ackman could have used options to better effect in his investment in Target.
The research I did to write the YCharts Focus Report onTarget convinced me that the retailer does indeed have some deep problems
related to its culture and management style. Ackman, as an activist investor, invests
in companies that have value-destructive faults, so it is no wonder that he was
drawn to Target.
The position of an activist investor is sort of like that of
a house flipper, except in the latter case, the house is not actively
attempting to thwart the owner’s attempts at rehabbing it!
Knowing that Target was a “fixer-upper” I question whether a
levered strategy was appropriate at all. Buffett also uses leverage in his
portfolios, but he buys companies that have little “valuation risk”—assets that
have a good track record of performance and for which he has a reasonable
expectation that the track record will continue.
Finding a company with little valuation risk and designing a
levered strategy to invest in it is a great idea. Finding a company that has a
material valuation risk and using leverage to invest in it opens the investor
to the possibility of large losses.[1]
In The Intelligent Option Investor, I talk about investing as
being a meal; the main course should usually be the underlying asset; ITM
options are side dishes that enhance the enjoyment of the main course; OTM
options are spices you sprinkle on for zest, or a savory snack between meals.
Looking back at the first graph in this article, it’s clear
that Ackman had not prepared a very balanced meal for himself and his
investors. Most of his meal was made up of side dishes rather than entrées (like
a kid at the Chinese buffet who comes back with five egg rolls and only a
single ladleful of chicken and broccoli). Considering the cultural /
operational issues at Target, and the uncertainty this might have on the stock
price, this meal seems especially unbalanced.
Also, from a public relations perspective, the fact that
over four-fifths of the investment was in derivative instruments made it very
easy for management to argue that Ackman was not a long-term shareholder, but
rather a speculator. And of course, no one likes speculators—including shareholders
voting their proxy statements.
As for the bad timing side of things, Ackman not only chose
to invest in this company that has a fairly large valuation uncertainty, but
had the bad fortune of doing so just before the mortgage crisis and financial
panic of 2008.
It’s evident from his short investment in mortgage insurer MBIA[2]
that Ackman understood the house of cards that was the pre-crash CDO market.
However, he—and a lot of others—failed to recognize just how many secondary and
tertiary effects from the collapse of the mortgage market would bring about.
Target’s stock price fall was one of those.
The way Ackman structured his option investment, it would
take a 20% drop in Target’s stock by expiration before Ackman would suffer a
100% loss of value on his options.[3]
While such a large decline is not unheard of for small cap stocks or stocks
that are in some special situation (i.e., experimental drug company waiting for
FDA approval, a company fighting for a bridge loan to stay in business, etc.),
it is rare for a large retailer with as strong of a brand and market position
as Target.
The mortgage crisis, however, made “rare” occurrences
commonplace and Ackman had to watch the ground suddenly disappear from beneath
his feet as Target followed the market down.
In addition, with the exception of the $147 million worth of
45% ITM options (representing only 11% of Ackman’s option-based investment in
Target), Ackman’s entire position was made up of options on which he paid a
significant amount of time value. As I discuss in The Intelligent Option
Investor, money spent on time value should be thought of as a realized loss.
That loss may ultimately be partially or wholly offset by investment profits,
but the money spent on time value wastes away with the passage of time.
Target’s large drop in price coupled with the foreseeable
expiration of Ackman’s options, shifted the power in the battle away from
Pershing Square and toward Target’s board and management. Target’s board
understood that if they could keep stalling, Ackman would suffer more and more
financial pain as the options neared expiration. Indeed, after an expensive and
ultimately futile proxy battle, Ackman did throw in the towel.
In short, the overuse of leverage in a stock with high
uncertainty, coupled with a market drop that had a more serious and widespread
impact than most people (even bearish ones) had expected, ended up sinking this
Better Options
Hindsight is 20/20, so it’s easy to look back at Ackman’s
failed investment and scoff at his choices, but in fact, at the time, the
investment, while aggressive, must have seemed quite sensible.
However, a few things do jump out as areas in which
intelligent investors could learn from.
Take a relatively larger stake in the
underlying stock up front. This would have reduced Ackman’s leverage—an appropriate
idea for a fixer-upper investment like Target—and would have given him more
credibility during his proxy battle.
Choose options that are further ITM, so carry
less leverage. This would have meant that much less of his investors’ money
would have been spent on time value (I write in The Intelligent Option Investor
about any money spent on time value being an immediate realized loss), and he
would have felt much less pressure as the option expiration became closer.
Use short put strategies during large market
drops. This would have meant that Ackman not take his entire position in
Target all at once, but hold some capital in reserve. It is easy to say this
looking in the rear-view mirror, but of course impossible to know at the onset
of an investment. At the very least, if he could have done another capital
raise as Target tanked (and option prices were very high), he could have
supported a short put position with that capital and perhaps even bought a
long-tenor OTM call option in a strategy I term a “Diagonal.”
Taken in total, these steps would have drastically lessened
the leverage, removed a good bit of the time pressure, allowed for less money
to be spent on wasting time value, and allowed widespread investor fear (i.e.,
high implied volatility) to be one’s friend rather than one’s foe.
(Those of you interested in seeing the spreadsheet I used to analyze Ackman's Target position, please click here to download the file).
Along with the possibility of severe losses, it also opens the investor to the
possibility of spectacular gains. The most dangerous investor in the world is
the one who experiences—in his or her first time using a levered strategy on an
asset whose value is highly uncertain—a success. Confusing the wonderful results
of that success as skill, rather than luck, encourages the investor to make a
similar, though usually even more levered, investment in the future. This
eventually ends very badly.
Ackman opened a short position in MBIA in 2002 and closed it at an
enormous profit in January 2009.
This is true for most of the position, but he did allocate about $147 million
of his investment in the Pershing Square IV fund to calls struck 45% ITM. These
options certainly held their value better even during the darkest days of this
position, simply because they were less levered.
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