Sunday, September 28, 2014

IOI Analysis of GE's Free Cash Flow

In this video, I show how to use the online tools at to analyze the free cash flow profile of global industrial giant, General Electric. This video also shows how to calculate Net Expansionary Cash Flows ("Net ECF") and Free Cash Flow to Owners, two owner-centric, cash-centric measures introduced in The Intelligent Option Investor: Applying Value Investing to the World of Options (2014, McGraw-Hill).

See also the replay of the YCharts conference call on GE as well as the YCharts Focus Report on GE, which you can find on the Resources tab of the YCharts site.

Here is a transcript of this video.

IOI Analysis of GE's Revenues and Profits

In this video, I show how to use the online tools at to analyze the revenues and profitability of global industrial giant, General Electric. This video also shows how to calculate Owners' Cash Profit, or OCP, an owner-centric, cash-centric measure of profitability introduced in The Intelligent Option Investor: Applying Value Investing to the World of Options (2014, McGraw-Hill).

See also the replay of the YCharts conference call on GE as well as the YCharts Focus Report on GE, which you can find on the Resources tab of the YCharts site.

Here is a transcript of this video.

Friday, September 19, 2014

The Intelligent Option Investor Receives First Review!

The first review of my new book, The Intelligent Option Investor, was published on and this week!

The reviewer describes herself as an “option trader,” and since the Intelligent Option Investor takes such a different approach to investing from that taken by traders, I didn’t expect many kind words. Much to my surprise, though, she was complementary about the book and thought that even option traders would get something out of it.

Indeed, in my experience, a lot of people trading options do not have much knowledge of the theory underpinning the instruments they are buying and selling. This represents a huge risk to those traders, and one that they can easily remedy by reading my book.

Certainly, you don’t have to be able to build an engine from scratch in order to be able to drive a car. Similarly, you don’t need to be able to derive Ito’s Lemma to be able to invest successfully using options.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

IOI Quick Guide to Option Basics

Options are wonderful, simple, flexible financial instruments that are peerless tools for generating income, boosting growth, and protecting gains. This video kicks off our four-part series that introduces the key concepts of intelligent option investing by explaining options from a unique "range of exposure" perspective.

IOI's Quick Guide to Valuation and Margin of Safety

Margin of safety is one of the great ideas of value investing, but the way most people implement it subjects them to hardwired behavioral biases that too often lead to investment losses. In this video--the second in our series introducing intelligent option investing--we focus on a way to improve upon the margin of safety concept and tilt the balance of risk and reward in your favor by using options.

IOI's Quick Guide to Option Pricing

Do you think that option pricing is difficult? Or not relevant to the way you like to invest? Think again! This video--the third in a four-part series introducing intelligent option investing--shows how easy option pricing is and why understanding it gives a stock investor a leg up on the market. If you understand option pricing, investing becomes like playing poker with an opponent who always leaves his cards face up!

Intelligent Option Investing in Three Easy Steps

This is the capstone video of my introduction to intelligent option investing series. It ties together topics from the three earlier videos to explain the essence of intelligent option investing in three easy steps.